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Icknield Infant and Nursery School home page

Welcome to

Icknield Infant
and Nursery School

All different, all together, all Icknield.

School Admissions

Please view our school admissions arrangements, including our school admissions rules, at the following link: Icknield Infant and Nursery School Admissions Arrangements.


Joining Reception in September: Admissions Process

Applications for admission into infant, primary, junior and middle schools (September start) open during November of the previous year and close in the January of the year of admission. Key dates for joining our Reception class in September 2024 are detailed below:


Key DateAdmissions Activity
1 November 2023Reception applications open - click here to apply via the Hertfordshire County Council website
15 January 2024Reception applications close
16 April 2024Offers made to parents/carers
1 May 2024Parent/carer response deadline


Online applications can still be made after the closing date listed above but they will be treated as 'late applications'. Please visit the following website for full details: Hertfordshire County Council - School Admissions.


When your child is in Year 2, you must apply for a place at a junior school. The Hertfordshire County Council website linked above includes an interactive copy of an 'Applying for a school place' booklet and a directory detailing all junior schools and middle schools in Hertfordshire. 


If you do not have internet access at home you can use the internet at your local library free of charge. If you are unable to apply online you can request a booklet, which includes the application form and a local school directory by calling 0300 123 4043.

Joining Reception in September: Transition Information

We aim to provide a smooth transition for every child. Whether they are joining us from another setting, or have been at home with you, we want to ensure they feel happy, safe and secure with us. We provide a range of transition activities for our new starters to allow them to ease into school life and settle with us. 

In-Year Admissions: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

An 'in year admission' is when a child already attends a school but wishes to transfer to another school outside of the usual transfer time, for example because the child is moving to a new address. These transfers can take place during the academic year. For further information and to make an in-year admission application, please use the following link: In-Year Admission.