School Uniform
School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and sets an appropriate tone. Icknield Infant and Nursery School is proud of its identity and children are expected to wear the school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours, unless school leaders determine there is a specific reason not to do so.
Our policy for school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Engenders a sense of community and belonging toward the school
- Supports positive behaviour
- Is affordable, whilst practical and smart
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- Is regarded as suitable wear for school and conducive to a successful learning environment.
We are committed to ensuring families do not experience unnecessary barriers to providing a school uniform for their child so we have taken the decision that parents/carers are no longer required to buy expensive items of uniform displaying our school logo. Instead, we recommend that items are purchased from local suppliers and supermarkets, who often stock very reasonably priced uniform items.
The school endeavours to ensure that our uniform is as gender neutral and as inclusive as possible. We do not insist that children wear any specific items of clothing, such as trousers, skirts or dresses. Parents/carers can mix and match items from the uniform list depending on the weather and whatever their child prefers - the most important thing is that they are happy and comfortable.
Uniform for Nursery Pupils:
- Black or grey leggings / joggers
- Red or white polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or jumper
- Black velcro trainers
- Wellies (to be kept in school)
Uniform for Reception to Year 2 Pupils:
- Black or grey trousers / shorts / pinafore / skirt
- Red or white polo shirt or red checked dress
- Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
- Black shoes with white, grey or black socks / tights
- Wellies (to be kept in school)
PE Kit:
- Black or red shorts or tracksuit bottoms
- Red or white plain t-shirt
- Indoor plimsolls
- Outdoor trainers
Hair and Jewellery
Long hair should be tied back for safety.
Stud earrings are allowed; however, these need to be removed for PE (or provide micropore tape so that they can be covered for health and safety purposes). No other jewellery is permitted due to the risk of injury to the wearer and/or other pupils in the class.
Dress for the Weather!
As you know, the weather can change dramatically! Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately - for example, they should wear a warm coat, hat and gloves when it is cold and should wear a sun hat and sun protection when it is sunny.
Uniform Considerations
The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are strong reasons why parents/carers want their child to wear clothes that differ from school uniform (for example, on religious grounds), the school will give consideration to such requests, weighing the needs and rights of individual pupils against the health and safety concerns of the entire school community. Parents’/carers’ concerns and requests regarding religious clothing are dealt with on a case- by-case basis by the Head Teacher and Governing Board. Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities then parents/carers are invited to draw this to the attention of the Head Teacher.
Lost Property
Please ensure that all uniform and clothing items are labelled with your child’s full name so that we can return it to the correct child if it is misplaced. Any un-named uniform will be added to the lost property bin in the foyer in the school office. At the end of each half-term, any unclaimed and unnamed uniform will be disposed or donated. If your child comes home in uniform that does not belong to them, please return it to the class teacher so that it can be returned to the correct child.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Pre-loved uniform is available free-of-charge from the clothes rail in the foyer in the school office, subject to availability. If you don't see the size or items you need, please speak to a member of the office team who may be able to help source items you need.
Uniform Policy
For further information, please see the Uniform Policy: