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Icknield Infant and Nursery School home page

Welcome to

Icknield Infant
and Nursery School

All different, all together, all Icknield.

School Meals

School lunch is an integral part of the school day and the learning process is extended to the dining room. Icknield School has its own kitchen and all meals are prepared and cooked on the premises by Hertfordshire Catering Limited (HCL). We encourage the children to eat wisely by providing a well balanced menu, using fresh ingredients and each day there is a choice of hot and cold meals.  


Packed Lunches

If you opt for your child to have a packed lunch, it should be brought to school in an appropriate container - preferably a Tupperware type box with a removable lid to save space at the table. Lunch boxes must show your child's name and the name of the class teacher. We encourage healthy eating within school, so please do not send in sweets and chocolate bars as part of your child’s packed lunch. If you wish your child to change from having school lunch to having a packed lunch each day, or vice versa, we ask you to inform the school office, giving one week's notice of the change to allow for the kitchen's ordering of supplies.   


Friday Favourites / Wednesday Roasts

Children who have packed lunch can take part in Friday Favourites or Wednesday Roasts or both. If your child wishes to take part, they will then be expected to have a school dinner every Friday and / or Wednesday for that particular half term. 


Allergies / Special Dietary Requirements

If your child has an allergy or special dietary requirement and you would like them to have a school meal, please ensure that you apply for a special menu directly from the school's meal provider, HCL, via the following web page:


Please note that your child will need to bring a packed lunch to school with them until the special menu has been requested and accepted via HCL. 


School Meal Menu - Summer/Autumn Term 2024