Autumn Term in Squirrel Class
It has been an exciting term in Squirrel Class as we have made a brilliant start to Year 1.
In English we have read a range of exciting texts including Cave Baby, Astro Girl, I Want my Hat Back and Send for a Superhero. Throughout the term we have focused on using our phonics and including capital letters, full stops and finger spaces to write our sentences. We wrote our own space guides while reading 'Astro Girl', wrote a letter to give advice to a character when reading 'I Want My Hat Back' and have recently been creating wanted posters to warn others about the baddies in our current book, 'Send for a Superhero'!
In Science we have carried out an experiment, testing our predictions about which materials would float and sink. As the weather changed, we went outside to observe the weather for our seasons unit of work.
Throughout maths we have used a range of different resources to help us in finding number bonds and find different ways of making the same number. We have also explored mathematical language such as more than, less than, fewer and equal.
Our topic this term has been castles. Through our history work we learnt about how castles developed over time and the kind of people that would live and work in a castle. In D&T we designed and made our own castles, complete with working drawbridge. To top it off, we ended the term with an amazing castle experience day in which we were all knighted at the end!